Saturday, August 29, 2020

Do You Know The Symptoms?


Do you know the symptoms of dental decay or to tell when your smile is being impacted by dental decay? It may seem like a minor problem or inconvenience that will go away on its own, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Here are 4 symptoms of dental decay so you know what to look for:

  1. Toothache or pain. You might wake up one day and feel pain seemingly out of now where. It may also occur without any cause or without you really knowing why.
  2. Sensitivity. You might feel extreme or minor sensitivity when you begin to consume items that are hot, or cold. This might occur when you are eating or drinking things. How sensitive it is can vary depending on a variety of factors.
  3. Staining on the surface of the tooth. The color can be brown, white, or black and it can be on any surface of the tooth.
  4. Holes in the tooth surface. Depending on the size of the hold will depend on whether you can see it or not.

Your smile is vitally important to your overall health and self-confidence. Don’t let decay steal your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Your Smile Matters!


Your smile matters, and your smile must be as healthy as possible right now. If you have dental decay, periodontal disease, or another problem with your teeth that is impacting you, it could be impacting your overall health as well. By visiting the dental office you can consult with Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. Here are 3 cosmetic dental procedures that might improve the health of your smile.

  1. Composite Dental Bonding. This is one of the easiest and most efficient procedures to improve your smile if you have a crack in your tooth that is minor.


  1. Dental veneers. There is a layer of material that is placed over the existing tooth. This helps to improve the look of your smile but doesn’t damage the structure or integrity of your smile in any way.

  1. Dentures. These are not your grandma or grandpa’s dentures. You no longer have to worry about dentures falling out in the mash potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner, or worry about finding your teeth in the morning before you get out of bed. There are now options to get your smile back in order and get you back to where you want to be.

Your smile is the backbone of your health. Don’t take chances. For more information on other cosmetic dental health procedures, contact our team today!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dream Big


We often leave our smile out of our wish list when we are thinking about what we hope to have. For example, you might think of a new couch that you saw that you would like. Or you might have seen a great pair of shoes that have caught your eye. Your smile deserves to be as healthy as possible, and Dr. Judy Strutz and her team can make this happen for you. 

You can dream big. If you want to have a new smile, our team can help make that happen. If you have a cracked or broken tooth, we can help fix the problem. Or are you impacted by decay? That is no problem as we want to be sure you have a smile you love to show off. We know that you are busy, and there are so many things going on right now, but you shouldn’t miss out on having the smile that you love to show off to those around you. The healthier your smile is, the less likely you are to be impacted by other potential health problems. 

For more information on your smile and how we can help you, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Now Is The Time!


Now more than ever we have been forced to slow down. Take stock of the things that matter most to us. I'm wondering, did your smile make it on your bucket list? This is often over-looked, especially when we are facing so many other things at this time. However, your smile deserves to be #1 in your life. Now is the time for you to stop, evaluate, and quickly check-in to what is happening with your smile.

Do you have cracked or broken teeth that you have been waiting to fix? Do you have stains that drive you crazy, and so you hide your smile from others? Or do you have issues with a crooked tooth that every year you say you are going to fix, but for some reason, you don't get around to it?

Now is the time that you look back and reflect on what your smile needs and ensure that your smile is healthy. While it may seem like there are other things more important, the health of your smile ensures that the rest of your body is also healthy. For more information on cosmetic dental procedures that improve the overall look and health of your smile, or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Too Many Choices?


When you go to the store to purchase mouthwash do you feel like there are too many choices and you are not sure where to even start? With different brands, flavors, and different goals, each one has it’s own unique job when it comes to keeping your smile healthy. Here are 3 tips to choosing the right type of mouthwash,

  1. Make sure it has the Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. If it does not have this, you do not want to use this product. It should meet certain guidelines to ensure it meets safety and efficacy standards.
  2. You want to understand the goal you have in mind for your smile. There are two types of mouthwashes. One is for therapeutic or cosmetic.
  3. If you have a specific dental concern such as bad breath, you might want to consider a therapeutic mouthwash, or if you have plague, gum issues or dry mouth.  

While it can be difficult to find the right mouthwash for you, knowing why you are purchasing it and knowing what dental concerns you have, can ensure you pick the right mouthwash for the purpose at hand.

For more information about other dental concerns, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her Team.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Don't Wait!

You deserve to have a smile you love and can't wait to show off to the world. However, when you have decay, missing or cracked teeth, it can be a problem for you when you go out for a job interview or when you spend time with family and friends. You don't want to wait too long to visit the dentist because what could be a minor dental problem can turn into something more if you do not spend time at the dentist's office.
Minor decay is less expensive and requires less dental work when taken care of promptly.

Once the decay is left untreated for a significant amount of time, it can cause irreparable dental damage.  You might have been; inundated with information on how to best support your smile. However, a consultation is the best way to get you the help that you need. Dr. Strutz and her team are doing everything they can to ensure you are safe when you visit. So, don't wait. If you have questions or concerns about your smile or what dental options are available to you, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Does Your Child Have A Lip Tie?

Have you noticed that your child struggles with talking? Or does your older child struggle to say certain sounds? They may have trouble eating or jaw pain if they are older. While you may not think they have a problem with a lip tie because they were not diagnosed with one when they were younger, taking the time to have Dr. Judy Strutz and her team can ensure that your child is okay.

A lip tie can be a problem for older children when they are attempting to read because they have to be able to correctly hear the sounds to blend them when reading. While it may not be a serious problem, for your child right away when left alone, it can create major problems later on. You might start to see your child act up or pull away from friends and activities that they enjoyed before. Your child might begin to struggle in classroom instruction as content gets more difficult, and the demands of the learning changes. If you have concerns about a lip tie in your child, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today and schedule a consultation.