Friday, December 31, 2021

Does Halitosis Impact You?

Do you experience bad breath even though you brush and floss? It is reported that 1 in 4 people say having bad breath. While the reasons can be vast, it may not just be the food you consume. There can be an underlined cause that is creating a problem for you. A person with bad breath might have internal or external causes. No matter the reason, you should have an opportunity to fix the problem.

However, some causes might cause Halitosis; bacteria in the Mouth is one. The teeth have deep pockets, and sometimes food can get stuck, causing bacteria and other problems to arise. A dental check-up by Dr. Strutz and her team can help determine a plan if this is the problem you have. Dry Mouth is a second problem that you may be facing. This is very common and can occur for various reasons. If you don't have enough saliva or are dehydrated, it can impact your overall dental health.  

You deserve to have a vibrant, beautiful, healthy smile no matter the problem.  For more information contact, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

New Year!


It's a new year, and with that comes new opportunities, new goals, and new learning that is coming your way. So step into the year with a smile that can last a lifetime. But, unfortunately, maybe your smile has taken a hit health-wise this year with everything going on. But now you can change all that. Take time to visit Dr. Judy Strutz and her team to develop a plan for your smile and get it back on track. No time to wait, and there is no reason to wait. A healthy smile is a healthier you. 

Having a healthy smile goes well beyond dental health. It is how we communicate with others and ensure we can consume healthy food. When you have a smile you don't love, it can lower your self-esteem or impact how often you smile and talk with others. No matter what the dental problem you are facing, you deserve more. Contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today to schedule an appointment. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Keeping Your Gums Healthy

Your gums have an important job; they keep your teeth in place and provide a barrier to keeping the bacteria out. However, if you have problems with your gums, this is where you can develop periodontal disease. We want to ensure you are armed with the information you need to keep your gums healthy. Here are 5 things you can do, 

  1. Brush regularly. You want to brush 2x a day at least. However, if you consume a high amount of carbohydrates or sugar, you will want to brush more frequently. 
  2. Floss 2x a day. Flossing is the only way to keep food from staying in between your teeth and causing problems for your smile. 
  3. Get regular dental check-ups.
  4. Brush properly. You want to brush gently in slow circles. Move around your mouth, behind your teeth. This should take anywhere from 2 - 4 minutes. 
  5. Choose the right toothpaste. Be sure to get a toothpaste approved by the ADA, and that contains fluoride. It will save your smile and your gums. 

Your smile and gums are so important. For more information on how to keep your gums healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Your Health

The holidays are finally here, and with it comes good food, drinks, and fun with friends for many. However, don't let the holiday season damage your smile because the foods you eat directly impact the overall health of your smile. Here is a list of some healthy food choices you might want to choose that allow you to keep smiling: 

  1. Turkey. Turkey is high in protein; it is not only good for your teeth but good for your body in appropirate quantities. You do want to be sure to floss after. Turkey tends to get stuck between your teeth which can cause problems later on. 
  2. Fruits. If you are doing a Holiday meal with friends and family, instead of snacking on some bread, reach for that variety of fruit plate. It will wash the carbohydrates from your gums. 
  3. Plain vegetables. Charcuterie boards are a great way and easy to throw out fresh vegetables that are easy to grab and great for your smile. Cucumbers, broccoli, and some baby carrots will keep you smiling during the holiday. 

Your smile is valuable, so this holiday keeps smiling with healthy food choices and great dental habits; for more information on keeping your smile healthy. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 Dental Habits That Improves The Health of Your Smile

The habits you have impact your smile. You might have lots of healthy habits that you do for your body, but did you know that you need to have healthy habits for your teeth to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Here are 5 practices that can keep your healthy smile:


Brush 2x a day with ADA seal toothpaste. There are so many choices of toothpaste that it can be overwhelming to shop for the right kind. You want one that the American Dental Association approves. 

Floss 2x a day. Flossing helps to remove the food from the teeth. Be sure to floss your teeth to keep your gums healthy. 

Eat healthy food. The food you consume matters. The higher the level of water consumption in the food, the less likely it is that the food will stick to the surface of your teeth. 

Visit the dentist and your periodontist. You want to have an exam and regularly clean to ensure you don't have a problem brewing that goes unchecked. 

Don't neglect your tongue. Your tongue has bacteria on it that needs to be brushed away. Brush 2x a day and keep your smile healthy.    


The health of your smile matters. For more information on the impact of sugar on your smile or schedule a dentist appointment.

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Damage Of Sugar To Your Teeth


We all know that large amounts of sugar are not healthy for the body, but did you also know that it can impact your teeth and the overall health of your smile? The sugar, unfortunately, produces acids that then affect the enamel. But you can protect your smile by taking these 3 action steps today:


Limit the amount of soda that you are consuming. Soda contains on average 39 grams of soda if you have been struggling to quit drinking one soda a day and supplement with water or other no-sugar drinks. 

Avoid the candy aisle. While this can be very tempting when you are at the grocery store, avoid the sugary snacks and instead reach for nuts or fruits with natural sugar. 

Chew sugar-free gum. Gum is a great way to increase saliva production, which is good for your teeth because it reduces plaque acid from your teeth and can reduce tooth decay. 


The health of your smile matters. For more information on the impact of sugar on your smile or to schedule a dentist appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Do You Need A Dentist?

If you are looking for a dentist, Dr. Judy Strutz is accepting new patients. Once you schedule your appointment and visit, we want to provide exemplary service for you and develop a solid beginning relationship. We will gather some background data from you, such as your dental history, your goals for your smile, and any problems that you may have. 

We will work alongside you to ensure you have the smile you want. We will ensure that we listen to your needs, earn your trust, provide excellent services that meet your dental needs and strive for continuous improvement. 

During the visit, if you have questions or concerns, we encourage you to share them with us to better support your dental needs. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

5 Steps You Can Take To Improve Your Smile!

You may be wondering what you can do from the comfort of your home to keep your smile healthy. Even if you visit the dentist every six months, you still want to take steps to ensure your smile in-between visits. Here are 5 easy steps you can take to keep your smile healthy because a healthy smile can last a lifetime. 

  1. Brush. This sounds like a no-brainer, but brushing 2x a day is the only way to remove plaque and buildup from your teeth. 
  2. Floss. Flossing ensures that your gums stay healthier than if you didn't floss. Sounds cheeky, right, but the truth of the matter is that if you don't floss, your gums don't have a way to fight the food buildup that happens. 
  3. Drink water. I know, I know. You've heard it a thousand times. But water is not only good for your body, but it's essential to your smile. 
  4. Eat Fruits and Vegetables. Yep, you guessed it. The water content in fruits and vegetables keeps food from sticking to your teeth. 
  5. Drink water. Right, I already mentioned that, but this one pertains to after meals. Drink water after high carbohydrate meals. This is the best way to remove food from the surface of—your teeth after meals. When food builds up, it attacks the plaque on your teeth, causing problems. 

Your smile is essential, and your health is dependent upon the health of your smile. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Don't Wait!

With things being so up in the air these last few months, you might have decided not to take a chance and visit your dentist. But your smile might need some support, and with all of the mitigation strategies that Dr. Strutz and her team have in place, they are working to provide you a safe place to get that done. The health of your smile is essential to the overall health of your body. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, or you have a cracked or broken tooth, these can all cause problems later on that cost more money later on. 

A quick visit to Dr. Strutz and her team can ensure you are back on track and that your smile is healthy and ready to support you in your summer adventures. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Purpose Behind Porcelain Crowns

You may hear porcelain crowns referred to by different names, but the purpose behind them remains the same. If you have a cracked, broken, or damaged tooth, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team might recommend using a crown to fix the problem. 

A crown permanently fixes your natural teeth. The intent is to help you get your beautiful, healthy smile back while having the bonus of strengthening the tooth. The nice thing about a crown is that it can restore your smile without hassle with anything once placed. 

Dr. Strutz and her team might recommend several different types of solutions to support your smile. The goal is always to provide you with a solution that ensures you have a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. 

To schedule an appointment or for a dental consultation contact, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Take Time For Your Smile!

Your teeth put up with so much it is time to give back and take care of your smile. This might include a deep brushing and flossing session. Or maybe you treat it to some new mouthwash that you haven't tried before. You could get crazy and schedule that six-month dental appointment that you have been putting off. Whatever decision you go for, know that your teeth do so much, and you want to take care of it. 

Your overall dental health impacts not only your self-confidence but your overall health.  So, now is the time to stop, take a minute, and take care of your teeth. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Are You Impacted By One Of These Dental Problems?

There are so many dental problems that might be causing you problems. Dr. Judy Strutz and her team want to ensure that they provide support to all of their patients. Here is a list of some of the most common dental problems that you might schedule a dental visit for: 

Bad Breath. This is called halitosis and goes beyond eating food that has intense flavors. Halitosis can cause problems for your self-esteem, which impacts you in other ways. When you visit the dentist, the goal is to find out the underlined problem leading to bad breath.

Periodontal disease. An infection causes this in your gums. It is typically caused by problems with your brushing and flossing routine. But a visit to the dentist can help to identify the problem and help create a dental plan. 

A cracked or broken tooth. There are many causes for a cracked or broken tooth; however, visiting with the dentist can help to develop a plan that will fit your needs.

Dental problems should not be left as dental intervention is necessary to fix the problem. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Do You Have Concerns About Oral Cancer?


It seems that oral cancer is not talked about as often as other cancers. This, however, does not mean that it isn't deadly. Did you also know that you can get oral cancer even if you have not smoked or chewed tobacco? One of the problems people face with oral cancer is that it often goes undiagnosed until it is a problem. We know a higher rate of people surviving oral cancer when tested for it early, and it is taken care of. So, how do you do this?


By calling Dr. Judy Strutz and her team to schedule an appointment, you can get an early oral cancer screening. While it used to be more common among older individuals, this has steadily changed over time. If you have a growth in your mouth, you can't explain if you are a moderate to heavy drinker or smoker. Or you have other health risks. It is in your best interest to get this taken care of and error on the side of safety. 

For more information or to schedule your appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today!


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Healthy Smile! Healthy You!

Are you feeling sluggish? Just not like yourself? Or do you feel like no matter what you do, you don't feel at your healthiest? Your smile may be to blame. We often don't think about how important the health of our smile matters.

You may be going throughout your day consuming food, high sugar, caffeinated drinks but what you may not know is that each of these decisions directly impacts your smile, which causes problems for your overall health. But there is a solution. Here are the top 3 tips from our dentist Dr. Judy Strutz that can improve your health and smile. 

  1. Brush and floss. There is no other single way to improve gum health and to remove food from your teeth. 
  2. Visit the dentist regularly. They can help catch problems before they happen. 
  3. Consume fruits and vegetables. They have more significant amounts of water in them and can remove food from sticking to your teeth.

For more information on keeping your smile healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Healthy Smile!

You have so many options when it comes to improving the health of your smile. Don't stick with old dental procedures or brushing and flossing techniques that don't work for you. 

We work hard to date on new dental procedures that can take your smile to the next level. Want to know what they are? Give us a call to schedule your consultation and we will spend time developing a dental plan that works for you. 

Dr. Judy Strutz and her team pride themselves on providing you with dental care that improves the health of your smile. While some dental procedures have been done for years and some dental floss and toothpaste made years ago are still excellent, if you have something explicit that you want to work on with your smile. Now is the time! 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Know Your Smile

Do you know your smile? Do you know what messages it is trying to tell you? Your smile is so critical to your overall health that you must take care of it. When you do not listen to the pain, you might feel, or when tooth decay builds up, that can cause problems for your overall health. 

So, what can you do about it? First, start by scheduling a comprehensive cosmetic dental appointment with Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. They can help you determine what is going on with your smile and help you map out a treatment plan. This way, you get the healthy smile you want. 

For more information on healthy smiles, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021



Do you ever go to the store and wonder what the difference is between all that toothpaste? Do you wonder which one you should buy? Or which one is going to get your teeth the cleanest? While everyone knows that toothpaste is essential in keeping your teeth healthy, it can be a nightmare when trying to pick one out. Here are five things you can look for the next time you are shopping. 

  1. You want to look for toothpaste that has the ADA seal. This will help ensure that you have a toothpaste that will do what it says that it's going to do. 
  2. You want toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride penetrates the hard surface of the teeth, enamel and leads to less tooth decay. 
  3. If you have teeth sensitivity, you want to stay away from toothpaste that whitens teeth. Instead, you might want to try a toothpaste that is explicitly for tooth sensitivity. 
  4. Taste. This is important. You want a toothpaste that leaves your breath feeling fresh and clean but is a flavor that you can stand.

Toothpaste is essential in keeping your smile healthy in - between visits to the dentist. For more information on dental care or schedule your cosmetic dental appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021


How are you doing with your dental goals? During COVID, when families were at home more, it might have been easier. But now that life is potentially picking up again, are you keeping up? 

By keeping up, I mean not just brushing and flossing, but have you scheduled that necessary dental appointment? You want to be sure to schedule time with the dentist to work with any dental problems that may have arisen. For example, if you have cavities or if you have lost a tooth. Waiting is not in the best interest of your smile. 

Have you been eating fruits, vegetables, and drinking water? All of these are valuable in helping your smile stay healthy. The last thing you want is to have decay or food build up on your teeth because that can lead to other problems later on. While being safe is essential, if you neglect your smile, now might be the time to schedule that appointment with your cosmetic dental procedure. Contact Dr. Judy Strutz for more information on scheduling your dental appointment. 

Monday, April 5, 2021


With so many different dental procedures available nowadays, it can be challenging to determine the best plan for you. There is so much research out there that this two-month series focuses on various cosmetic dental procedures that can meet your needs. This way, when you schedule your consultation visit, you know what you might be looking for. The first dental procedure we are going to discuss is bonding. Here are 5 things you may not have known about bonding. 

  1. Bonding is a method for fixing cracks in your teeth. Instead of pulling the tooth, there are other options. 
  2. Chips in the tooth can be fixed by bonding. 
  3. Bonding is a long-lasting procedure. 
  4. It can be done to fix gaps in your smile. 
  5. This procedure is best when you have a minor problem, but the tooth is still healthy. 

While there are other procedures that you might want to consider; and these are best left to discuss with Dr. Judy Strutz during the consultation. Bonding might be an excellent option for you. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Difference Between A Lip and Tongue Tie


Did you know that your baby can have a lip or tongue tie? Or Both? A tongue-tie is a thick frenulum that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This can make it difficult for your baby to form the proper latch needed when nursing. A lip tie is when the upper and lower frenulum connects the upper and lower lip to the gums is too short or is otherwise improperly formed. 

Signs of a lip tie may be:

  1. Trouble breathing during feeding 
  2. Acting fatigued when nursing 
  3. No or slow weight gain 
  4. Struggling to latch on

Signs of a tongue tie:

  1. Doesn't gain weight 
  2. Seems hungry all the time 
  3. Catch latch well

Whether it is a lip or tongue tie, it is essential to make sure that if you think there is a problem with their frenulum, you might want to schedule a consultation to evaluate and be sure that there is nothing more. For more information, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Reduce Those Carbs!


 Last week, we focused on a few things you could change to reduce the amount of soda you drink. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 7th part, and today we are blogging about Carbohydrates.


I know carbohydrates have recently gotten a bad rap, and it isn't their fault. All they do is hang out and provide us comfort when we are feeling down. However, the problem with carbohydrates is that they stick to your teeth. 

  1. You don't need to cut all carbohydrates out of your diet; just reduce the amount you consume right before bed or before brush your teeth at night. 
  2. Drink a glass of water after you consume them. If you eat carbohydrates for lunch, grab a quick glass of water to remove the food from the surface of your teeth. This is two birds, one stone; you're removing carbohydrates from your smile and drinking water. 
  3. Replace one carb item with a fruit or vegetable on your plate—nothing too crazy, just a little less. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutzYou can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. #drjudystrutz

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Know Your Why & Create A Habit!


Last week, we focused on a few things you could change to reduce the number of carbohydrates you drink. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 8th and final part of this series. We have discussed everything from brushing to decreasing soda and increasing vegetables, fruit, and healthy flossing habits. In our final week together, we are going to focus on the overall picture of why? And how you can create habits that last a lifetime. 


While our series provided you with three or four steps you could change to improve your habits, you might still be struggling with one or two. That is okay. Growing is hard work, changing habits is even more difficult. This final week, we will focus on what you can do to change your dental practices. 


  1. Know your why and write it down. Your why is the backbone for what you do. When you have a clear why, it can help you stay in the game when things are difficult, BUt don't just know it, write it down, take pictures that remind you of your why and post them around you, add messages of your why on your mirror, your TV or other places that you look. 
  2. Start small and work your way up. Like any habit, it takes time to build. You do not need to implement every habit we talked about in a week. Give yourself time to adjust and implement. 
  3. Become what you are trying to achieve and develop an identity around it. For example, you are a person with a boss smile that gets the job done. Or you are a healthy person with healthy gums. When we own who we are, we develop habits that reinforce that. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutz


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Let Go Of The Soda!


Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to eat more vegetables to improve your happiness and dental health. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 6th part, and today we are blogging about soda. 


Soda is a habit that can not only destroy your overall health but can wreak havoc on your smile. Soda not only can cause a problem for your overall dental health because of the sugar, but it can also stain your teeth, reducing the healthy look. Here are 3 ways to reduce your soda consumption. 

  1. Reduce gradually. If you consume large amounts of soda, reduce the dose gradually. Take it slow. Maybe cut it down by one and then slowly step down from there. 
  2. Replace with water or other non-sugar drink. Your body needs fluid to live. So, consider healthier alternatives. 
  3. Make it challenging to get ahold of. For some of the other series, we talked about making it more comfortable; with this one, make it harder. Buy only one can and have it in your fridge, or a two-liter instead of a 12 pack. Place them in a cupboard instead of the fridge, so they are out of sight. Little habit changes can make a big difference. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutzYou can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; You're On A Roll!

Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to eat more fruits to improve your happiness and dental health. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 5th part, and today we are blogging about Vegetables. Now you may be asking yourself, what do vegetables have to do with your teeth?


Well, like fruit, vegetables add extra water to your diet and are excellent sources of a variety of vitamins. Carrots, cucumbers, and leafy greens pack a powerful punch for your smile. In adding vegetables into your diet, our first piece of advice is the same as fruit, 

  1. Be realistic. If eating a carrot a day makes you want to throw up, avoid it. But find a vegetable you are willing to eat and enjoy it. 
  2. Avoid adding extras. While cheese and other ingredients are enjoyable, the more natural you are with the vegetable, the better. 
  3. Start small. If you don't eat vegetables at all, you might be setting yourself up for failure if you decide to eat 8 in a day. However, adding just one serving can be beneficial, and you can build from there. 
  4. Share with friends through social media. It might seem silly; we are more likely to implement a habit when we share our goals with friends. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutzYou can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 


Monday, March 15, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Have You Eaten Fruits Today?


Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to add more water to your diet to enhance your smile. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 4th part, and today we are blogging about fruit. Now you may be asking yourself, what does fruit have to do with your teeth?


Well, the fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is great for your smile, but the extra water in there helps to rinse off food residue from food that is high in carbohydrates or remove food that might be stuck on your teeth from other food you consumed. So, this begs the question of how do you eat more fruit? 

  1. Be realistic. If eating an apple a day doesn't make you smile, pick a different fruit. With a wide variety out available, choose ones that are going to make you smile. You want to stay away from fruit high in acid or thicker textures like bananas. But otherwise, the fruit market is open to you. 
  2. Eat them at a time of day that works for you. We have talked about this a few times in our other series, but you want to stay away from setting yourself up for failure. If you get home from work tired, and the last thing on your mind is what you will eat, avoid putting that into your daily habit. 
  3. Make it easy. Cut them up into slices and put them at the front of your fridge in baggies that you can grab on your way out the door. Or put them on the counter by your keys and cell phone the night before. 
  4. Set a calendar reminder. We use our calendar reminders for other things; why not this. And attach a photo of your healthy smile eating fruit. It'll put your why at the front of your mind. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutz


You can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Are You Drinking Water?


Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to rejuvenate your brushing and flossing habits. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 3rd part, and this time we are focused on the importance of drinking water. We will talk about the benefits and how you can add more water to your diet to improve your dental health. 


Water is the life source for your smile. It washes away the food from the day, decreases problems from dry mouth, and if your water has fluoride in it, it can help prevent cavities. Fewer cavities equal a healthier smile and a happier you! How do you add water to your diet without it taking you? 

  1. Start with 2 minutes a day. Yep, that's it; for 2 minutes out of your day, focus your energy on drinking a glass of water. 
  2. Start with your 2 minutes being a time in the day that makes the most sense for you. Maybe first thing in the morning, hop out of bed and grab that class of water. Or leave a glass by your bedside. 
  3. Use a glass you love. Using a glass that makes you smile or brings you joy can make the experience more fun. It truly is the little actions you take that can make the most significant difference. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. You can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Floss, Floss, and Floss.

Earlier this week, we focused on a few things you could do to rejuvenate your brushing habits. This time we are going to talk about flossing. And no, we are not talking about the flossing dance move. Although, if you decide to do that while flossing your teeth, would love to see a photo. 

However, we are talking about the all-important habit of flossing your teeth. Your gums deserve it, and we know that it can be time-consuming, painful, and, well, maybe not your favorite part of the day. However, your teeth deserve it, so how can you add this habit into your daily routine start by:

  1.  You are picking the time. Suppose you are busiest in the morning, floss at night. If you don't feel like you have time at night, do it in the morning. Pick a time that works for you. 
  2. Use a product that makes it easier. If you do not like flossers, then ditch them and pick up the mint-flavored floss at your local store. Pick a new flavor or a new type and try different kinds if you are not sure which you love. 
  3. Put out a reminder. Add a calendar invite to your phone, and add fun music to it. So that when it goes off, you aren't dreading it. 
  4. Make it accessible. If you go to floss, you have to dig it out to find it; you are less likely to do it. Make it easy. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. You can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Time To Put It Into Practice.


You have probably been hearing for years that you need to take care of your smile. Some days you wake up, and you brush for two minutes. You probably even do those nice slow circles that your cosmetic dentist has been telling you to do for years. And you go to bed, making sure to brush for two minutes, gently supporting your gums in the cleanliness process of brushing again. 


Then life happens, you forget, you get busy, one day you wake up to maybe find that your fantastic brushing habit has now become a once-a-day habit that is rushed. And perhaps even your gums are feeling it. They might start to bleed, or you may have noticed some recession from brushing too hard. Whatever the case may be, it is time to get back to the excellent brushing habits we know you can do. 


So, how do you put it into practice. The science of knowledge is just that. Knowledge, without training or action it isn't beneficial when it comes to brushing your teeth. Here a few tips to get you and your smile back in the game. 

  1. Put a sticky note by your bed or on your mirror or gym clothes to remind yourself to brush. Where ever you look first thing in the morning is where you want to put it. 
  2. Get a new toothbrush and toothpaste you love. Getting something new can help connect us to the importance of why we need to do it and contact us re-excited about it. 
  3. Dance, read, or play music, or meditate for two minutes. Do something fun while you are brushing your teeth. A little jig in the morning never hurt anyone. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. You can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. #drjudystarutz

Monday, February 22, 2021

 There is so much information out there, and with information floating around, there is bound to be misinformation at times. We want to be sure that you have the facts.

Here are 4 dental myths. 

  1. Flossing only has to be done to remove items between your teeth. Flossing is essential to keep your gums healthy. Without flossing, your gums become inflamed, and periodontal disease becomes a reality. 
  2. You only have to visit the dentist if you have pain or a problem with your smile. You want to visit the dentist regularly. This will help keep your smile healthy for the long run. 
  3. Brushing only needs to be one time a day and can be done anytime. Brushing two times a day is what we recommend to patients. In the morning helps to fight bad breath and decay. Brushing before bed removes any food bacterias from your teeth and gums. 
  4. I don't need to worry about my smile—your smile matters. Not only does it impact how you feel, but it also can affect your future. 

For more information on dental myths and problems you might face with your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Are You Concerned About Your Dental Health?

Your dental health is so important, and it matters to us. If you have concerns about your dental health, be sure to reach out to us to ensure that we provide a dental plan that meets your needs. 

Dental technology is not the same as it used to be. We want to be sure to answer all of your questions, plan accordingly and assure that we address all of your dental concerns. Here are 3 problems you may be facing that we can help with:

  1. Do you have cracked or broken teeth? If you have a problem with cracked or broken teeth, it can lead to other issues later on. We want to be sure to take care of those as quickly as possible. 
  2.  Dental pain. Dental pain is always a problem. Please don't wait. For us to help get your health back on track, it starts with your dental health. 
  3. Missing tooth. A missing tooth can cause dental problems beyond what you think. If you have a missing tooth, we want to sit down and talk about options with you.

Your smile is so important to us. If you have questions, please contact us for more information. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why You Should Consider Teeth Bonding

Do you have a small crack or chip in your tooth? Bonding is often one of the most popular dental treatments because it can fix a range of problems that you might face. The procedure requires a tooth-colored substance to be placed on your tooth, and then it will be shaped and hardened to keep it attached to the tooth. 

Here are 3 reasons your cosmetic dentist might recommend bonding:

  1. Crack or chip in your tooth. This can restore your tooth so that it is beautiful and restore your tooth's structure. 
  2. Color concerns. If you have a discolored tooth, instead of using whitening or other procedures, it can restore your color to a natural look. 
  3. Fix a misshapen or small tooth. While other procedures might be used instead, this one can restore your tooth so that you can't wait to show off your smile. 

Our smiles are so important to our self-confidence and who we are as people. For more information or help with your smile, schedule a consultation with Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Your smile is so important; protect it!

We know that it can be easy to dive into the world of sugar, sweets, and easy to grab foods. Let's face it, we're all busy, and there is so much going on now. But your smile deserves the best! There are easy choices you can make to protect your smile for a lifetime. 

Brush and floss twice a day. If you consume foods that are high in carbohydrates, you want to brush after. 

Drink water. Water helps to flush foods off the surface of your teeth. 

Avoid desserts or high sugar food after you brushed or before bed. The longer the sugar sits on your teeth, the more problems it can cause for your smile. 

Keep your regular dental appointments. Cleaning and your regular dental appointments are essential to helping your smile stay healthy. 

Use small round circles when brushing your teeth, and don't brush too hard. Brushing hard damages the gum tissue. 

Your smile is so important to your health, self-confidence, and being able to consume the foods you love. If you have a dental problem you want help with, call Dr. Judy Strutz and her team to schedule a consultation. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Cold and Your Teeth

Did you know that cold weather can cause cracks to form in the enamel of your teeth? The dentin in your smile will contract when it gets cold. The cracks can seem like no big deal and may not impact the overall look of your smile; it can cause you pain. 

Not only can the cold impact your teeth, but it can cause pain in your jaw area as well. As people are cold, they tend to clench their jaw; to avoid jaw pain, you will want to breathe in through your mouth and try to relax. While no one enjoys being cold, causing larger problems to your mouth can be a problem as well, requiring a visit to your cosmetic dental office. To avoid problems, always dress warm, and avoid being out in cold weather for long periods when you can. 

For more information on keeping your smile healthy and for cosmetic dental solutions, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Foods to Feed Your Smile

consume impacts your smile? It is essential that you not only fuel your body but that you consume food that keeps your smile as healthy as possible. Here is a list of 4 of the best foods for your smile. 

  1. Celery. Celery is mostly water, so the food does not stick to your gums and your teeth after you consume it. 
  2. Cheese. Cheese is low in sugar, which keeps from impacting the enamel of your teeth. Cheese is also high in calcium. 
  3. Crunchy greens. They will help to remove food stuck on your teeth, but they also have nutrients in them that are good for your smile. 
  4. Green or red apples. The fantastic thing about apples is that they reduce any food that may have been left behind on your teeth from other foods consumed. It also creates more saliva in your mouth, which helps to keep your smile healthy.

Your smile is so important, and we want to be sure you do what you can to keep it healthy for a lifetime. 

For more tips on keeping your smile healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

5 Things You Can Do To Cut Sugar From Your Diet

The impact that sugar has on your body and your smile can impact you for a lifetime. However, here are some strategies that you can use to decrease the amount of sugar you consume and keep your smile healthy. 

  1. Drink water. When you have a craving for something, sweet drink water to decrease the craving. 
  2. Eat food with natural sugar such as fruits, and brush your teeth after. 
  3. Avoid drinks that are high in sugar. If you don't enjoy the flavor of water, you can put some mint in there to add flavor or consume sparkling water. 
  4. Avoid desserts that are high in sugar. There are other foods that you can consume that are healthy that can replace high sugar desserts. Consuming fruit or nuts can serve as a treat while keeping your smile healthy. 
  5. Look at the sugar content in your foods. There are low sugar options that you can consume—looking at the labels before eating them which can allow you to find a low sugar alternative. 

Your health is critical, and the health of your smile matters. By taking these 5 steps, you can keep your smile healthier for longer. For more information contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Impact Of Sugar On Your Smile

Did you know that sugar is dangerous for your smile? It's not just the sugar on the teeth that causes the problem. The larger issue is that it creates the perfect environment for sugar to attack your teeth. When you consume foods with sugar in them, it breaks down to acid. The acid then attacks the enamel of the teeth. 

Once this occurs, you begin to have problems with cavities and tooth decay. The problem is you can't avoid this process once you have consumed the sugar item because it mixes with the bacteria in your saliva. The situation is not hopeless; however if you are going to consume foods with sugar in them, be sure to brush your teeth. 

For more information on the impact of sugar on your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Do You Have A Tongue Ti

Are you an adult impacted by a tongue tie? You may have symptoms that range from trouble speaking, reading, or are you affected by sleep apnea? Tongue-tie in adults can have problems that range from minor to a question that is affecting your self-esteem. A tongue-tie does not fix itself and does need correction by a professional.

Unfortunately, some patients struggle with a stutter or other speech exceptionality due to an undiagnosed tongue tie. However, there is a solution. Dr. Judy Strutz and her team can complete a laser tongue tie procedure. Once the procedure is done, you might immediately be relieved from the negative impact of a tongue tie.

For more information on a tongue tie procedure or schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.