Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Time To Put It Into Practice.


You have probably been hearing for years that you need to take care of your smile. Some days you wake up, and you brush for two minutes. You probably even do those nice slow circles that your cosmetic dentist has been telling you to do for years. And you go to bed, making sure to brush for two minutes, gently supporting your gums in the cleanliness process of brushing again. 


Then life happens, you forget, you get busy, one day you wake up to maybe find that your fantastic brushing habit has now become a once-a-day habit that is rushed. And perhaps even your gums are feeling it. They might start to bleed, or you may have noticed some recession from brushing too hard. Whatever the case may be, it is time to get back to the excellent brushing habits we know you can do. 


So, how do you put it into practice. The science of knowledge is just that. Knowledge, without training or action it isn't beneficial when it comes to brushing your teeth. Here a few tips to get you and your smile back in the game. 

  1. Put a sticky note by your bed or on your mirror or gym clothes to remind yourself to brush. Where ever you look first thing in the morning is where you want to put it. 
  2. Get a new toothbrush and toothpaste you love. Getting something new can help connect us to the importance of why we need to do it and contact us re-excited about it. 
  3. Dance, read, or play music, or meditate for two minutes. Do something fun while you are brushing your teeth. A little jig in the morning never hurt anyone. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. You can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. #drjudystarutz

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