Saturday, December 2, 2017

Do You Engage In These Stress Habits?

Life is busy during the day-to-day routine of our lives and especially during the holidays when we have family gatherings, are traveling, or our children are out of school and we are coordinating their holiday schedule with the schedule of others. Stay away from these 5 habits that are stress inducing but can be detrimental to your smile.
1.     Chewing on a pen or pencil.
2.     Avoid high carbohydrate foods especially in between meals.
3.     Avoid teeth grinding
4.     Decrease snacking in between meals
5.     Avoid chewing on Ice

Instead of engaging in habits that can cause more problems for your smile, attempt to engage in these 5 habits that can turn your stress around.

1.     Do yoga in the park, just being out in nature can turn your day around
2.     Go to your favorite store and just browse, leisurely walking through the aisles
3.     Schedule a pedicure or a manicure and pamper yourself for the moment
4.     Diffuse essential oils in your home or around your space
5.     Spend time with a loved one

Life shouldn’t be about stress, it should be about enjoying the world around you. Keep your mind, body and smile healthy this holiday season. For more information on stress and the impact on your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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