Sunday, January 31, 2021

Foods to Feed Your Smile

consume impacts your smile? It is essential that you not only fuel your body but that you consume food that keeps your smile as healthy as possible. Here is a list of 4 of the best foods for your smile. 

  1. Celery. Celery is mostly water, so the food does not stick to your gums and your teeth after you consume it. 
  2. Cheese. Cheese is low in sugar, which keeps from impacting the enamel of your teeth. Cheese is also high in calcium. 
  3. Crunchy greens. They will help to remove food stuck on your teeth, but they also have nutrients in them that are good for your smile. 
  4. Green or red apples. The fantastic thing about apples is that they reduce any food that may have been left behind on your teeth from other foods consumed. It also creates more saliva in your mouth, which helps to keep your smile healthy.

Your smile is so important, and we want to be sure you do what you can to keep it healthy for a lifetime. 

For more tips on keeping your smile healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

5 Things You Can Do To Cut Sugar From Your Diet

The impact that sugar has on your body and your smile can impact you for a lifetime. However, here are some strategies that you can use to decrease the amount of sugar you consume and keep your smile healthy. 

  1. Drink water. When you have a craving for something, sweet drink water to decrease the craving. 
  2. Eat food with natural sugar such as fruits, and brush your teeth after. 
  3. Avoid drinks that are high in sugar. If you don't enjoy the flavor of water, you can put some mint in there to add flavor or consume sparkling water. 
  4. Avoid desserts that are high in sugar. There are other foods that you can consume that are healthy that can replace high sugar desserts. Consuming fruit or nuts can serve as a treat while keeping your smile healthy. 
  5. Look at the sugar content in your foods. There are low sugar options that you can consume—looking at the labels before eating them which can allow you to find a low sugar alternative. 

Your health is critical, and the health of your smile matters. By taking these 5 steps, you can keep your smile healthier for longer. For more information contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Impact Of Sugar On Your Smile

Did you know that sugar is dangerous for your smile? It's not just the sugar on the teeth that causes the problem. The larger issue is that it creates the perfect environment for sugar to attack your teeth. When you consume foods with sugar in them, it breaks down to acid. The acid then attacks the enamel of the teeth. 

Once this occurs, you begin to have problems with cavities and tooth decay. The problem is you can't avoid this process once you have consumed the sugar item because it mixes with the bacteria in your saliva. The situation is not hopeless; however if you are going to consume foods with sugar in them, be sure to brush your teeth. 

For more information on the impact of sugar on your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Do You Have A Tongue Ti

Are you an adult impacted by a tongue tie? You may have symptoms that range from trouble speaking, reading, or are you affected by sleep apnea? Tongue-tie in adults can have problems that range from minor to a question that is affecting your self-esteem. A tongue-tie does not fix itself and does need correction by a professional.

Unfortunately, some patients struggle with a stutter or other speech exceptionality due to an undiagnosed tongue tie. However, there is a solution. Dr. Judy Strutz and her team can complete a laser tongue tie procedure. Once the procedure is done, you might immediately be relieved from the negative impact of a tongue tie.

For more information on a tongue tie procedure or schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Take The Time

We know how busy your life is right now and that you have a lot going on. Your dental health may be taking a back seat to your other needs. However, your dental health is so important. Taking the time to visit our office and talk about your dental health can ensure you have a healthy smile you deserve. 

If you have questions about how to enhance the health of your smile, there is a simple fix. Contact our office, and we can schedule a dental health consultation. During the visit, we will talk about what you love and don't love about your smile. We will analyze the overall health of your smile, including a cancer screening if you are interested. Once we have evaluated the health of your smile, we can discuss any possible dental procedures that might enhance the health and look of your smile. 

Your options can range from deep cleaning to a more intense dental procedure such as dentures or veneers. Whichever you chose, we will ensure you love to show off your smile. 

For more information, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Don't Give Up!

We know a lot is going on right now, but don't give up on your smile's health. You deserve to have a healthy and beautiful smile that you can show off to the world. You do not want to have a problem that festers and then becomes a bigger problem. 

Dr. Judy Strutz and her team recommend these 4 steps to keep the health of your smile at the forefront of your mind. 

  1. Schedule a dental appointment and stick to it. It can be easy to want to re-schedule or to change it. However, Dr. Strutz encourages people to keep their dental appointment and ensure they have a healthy smile. 
  2. Eat healthy foods. While there may be days that you enjoy something that is not as healthy, taking small successful steps can help your smile. Fruits, vegetables, and foods with fewer carbohydrates do not stick to your teeth and gums the way high carbohydrate foods do. 
  3. Brush Your Teeth. Brushing is the one way you can remove food from your teeth. The longer that food is on the surface of your smile, the more at risk you are for more dental problems.

Your smile is so critically important not only for your health and your self-esteem. Have the best smile you can. 

For more information on dental cosmetic options, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 Smile!

Now that you have rung in the New Year, have you reflected? Did you set a New Year's resolution? If you did and your health is a part of that equation, start with your smile. Did you know that the health of your body is impacted by the health of your smile? Don't leave this critical component out of the equation.

If 2021 is the year for you to become healthier and on track with your fitness goals, schedule a consultation with Dr. Judy Strutz to start that health journey. When your smile is healthy, it can help ensure that your body is ready to work out, eat healthy, or enjoy the other opportunities you have planned for 2021. The health of your smile can ensure you can consume the food on your new healthy food plan. 

Please don't leave your smile behind on this health journey because you deserve it. For more information, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team or to schedule a consultation to ensure you have a healthy smile in 2021.