Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Cosmetic Dentistry

While cosmetic dental procedures improve your smile's appearance and beauty, the procedures do so much more for you. This might include increasing your self-esteem, improving your overall health, and ensuring that you have a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. 

When you contact your cosmetic dentist, you will want to share your goals for your smile to ensure you have all the information and possible procedures to improve your dental health. You might be looking for something minor, like fixing a chipped tooth. However, other methods are more in-depth and may take more time and conversation. 

Some other procedures that you might talk to your cosmetic dentist about are a gap between your teeth, tooth discoloration, misshapen teeth, or you might have some teeth that are misaligned. No matter the goal or what you are looking for, it is good to start with a thorough consultation with your cosmetic dentist to decide together the next best steps. 

For more information, a consultation, or to set up an appointment, contact Dr. Strutz and her team today. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Did you know dental health is the gateway to a healthy body?

Scientists do not know why but gum disease seems to increase the risk of dementia. So you want to keep your smile healthy and decrease the risk.

A healthy smile can be the difference between feeling great and struggling. Dental pain, cavities, or other dental problems can decrease your ability to get a great night's sleep. Less than 8 hours of sleep can drastically impact your mental capacity, focus, and attention to detail.

Caring for your smile and body can help keep infection at bay. When you have periodontal disease or other bacteria, it can enter and cause endocarditis - inflammation of the heart.

Keep your body healthy, drink water, eat healthily, and don't forget to schedule a visit with your cosmetic dentist if you have concerns about your smile. Contact Dr. Judy Strutz for an appointment today.