Thursday, January 19, 2023

5 Health Related Problems To The Overall Health Of Your Smile

Did you know that your smile and overall health are connected? For example, you can see a breakdown in your overall health when you have a dental infection that is not taken care of. You might want to schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist as soon as you notice a problem. 

A growing body of research outlines the possible connections between dental infections and the overall impact on your health. For example, suppose you have periodontal disease, and your body is constantly fighting that condition. In that case, it can create problems that impact your ability to fight off other infections. As time passes and the issue is not addressed, a minor infection can turn into sepsis or tooth loss. While periodontal disease and other infections can be troublesome, the implications for your lifelong health are a greater impact on your life. 

There is no time like the present, if you are struggling with periodontal disease or other dental concerns, contact us today and schedule an appointment. 

For more information on periodontal disease, contact Dr. Judy Strutz, and her team today. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Are You Comparing?


Do you compare your smile to others? Do you wonder why you don’t have the results you want with your smile and yet others are able to flash their smile around town without hesitation? We live in a world where things are possible, however, you have to be willing to take a leap of faith. 

And if you are spending time wondering how to get the smile of your dreams, now is the time to act. No more reason to compare yourself to anyone because your smile is as unique as you are, and with a little help from your cosmetic dentist you can have the smile you deserve. 

While it may take time to achieve your results depending on your smile needs, a little bit of time spent with your cosmetic dentist will have you on the right track in no time. 

When comparing your smile to others have you always believed that you would never achieve the same results as that someone else? That’s not true because with today’s amazing technology and advancements in dental procedures achieving great results is possible. 

For more information or to schedule your consultation, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. Start living your comparison-free life today!