Saturday, January 18, 2020

Have You Had An Oral Cancer Screening?

Oral cancer can impact any part of the mouth. Your tongue, lips, cheeks or gums. There are several different signs and symptoms of cancer in your mouth. This includes a lump or thickening in the cheek, a sore throat or a sore that does not go away with time. The problem with oral cancer is that most people do not catch it until it is in the later stages.

An oral cancer screening can help to identify, find and treat oral cancer faster in order for you to be able to move on with the other things that are important in your life. Oral cancer is also twice as common in men as in women. Tobacco use can increase the risk of oral cancer.  An oral cancer screening just consists of the dentist checking the inside of your mouth looking for any lesions or unusual bumps in the mouth.

The dentist will most likely put one finger in your mouth, under your tongue and a couple of fingers on the skin under your chin. This exam may be able to find problems sooner and help you take care of the problem. For more information about oral cancer, screeners contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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