Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Don’t Wait!



With so many other things to worry about, your smile should not have to be one of them. If you are avoiding the dental office because you are unsure of the protocols in place to protect you, please be assured we are doing what we can to mitigate the risk to our patients. You don’t want to continue to avoid the dental office.


Your smile and the health of your teeth is vital to the health of your overall body. When you have dental pain, decay, or other dental problems, it can diminish your overall health in everything that you do.  For example, you may not sleep well because you have dental pain or because you have a toothache. With less sleep, it is easy to become irritable, frustrated easily, and begin to not enjoy things around you.


You might also begin to withdraw from friends or family. Individuals share with us often that when they do not love their smile, they feel embarrassed. They try and hide their smile, and their self-esteem decreases. However, spending time with a dentist, who can help you navigate what you need for your smile, can ensure your success. From start to finish of the dental process, we will walk you through the treatment plan.


Things around us may be uncertain, but having a healthy smile does not have to be one of those things. For more information or to schedule a dental appointment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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