Monday, October 12, 2020

A Tongue Tie


A lip or tongue-tie is not a minor problem. While you may have heard to just let your baby grow out it, it is not a thing. It is important to have a consultation with a dentist to see how great the tie is and proceed accordingly. Not taking care of this can cause a problem for the child for years to come. For example, your child might have a difficult time learning certain speech sounds, reading, or trouble with breastfeeding. While this may seem like a common problem that does not need to be taken care of, however, waiting can cause even more problems.

A simple tongue or lip tie release procedure can ensure your child is not impacted in the long run, and the procedure only takes a few short minutes usually. Mothers who have experienced before and after a lip or tongue tie procedure report success with breastfeeding almost immediately.

Whether your child can stick their tongue out or not is not a definitive indicator of a tongue tie. Taking time to visit Dr. Judy Strutz and her team can help you definitively answer the question and ensure that you and your baby are on a solid path. If you have questions or to schedule a consultation contact, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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