Sunday, February 16, 2020

7 Dental Health Risks

It can be easy to take your smile for granted. You wake up, maybe brush for two minutes, or maybe decide to wait until after breakfast. You might forget altogether in the rush of the morning. We always assume that our smile is going to carry us through and we’ll just get things done the next time. But here are 7 dental risks you make be taking every day that are causing problems for your smile.

1.     Not brushing in time. When you consume high sugar foods or drinks and high carbohydrate foods, the length of time that the substances stay on the surface of your teeth provides a longer opportunity for problems to arise.
2.     Consuming food that is too cold.  (example)
3.     Not flossing. Removing food from between the gums is essential to your gum health. If you’re starting to see your gums bleed during routine brushing and flossing sessions that can be the sign of worse things to come.
4.     Chewing on Ice can damage the enamel causing cracked and broken teeth.
5.     Consuming less than 8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
6.     Eating foods that are high in acid. (example)
7.     Consuming several sodas a day.

Your dental health is so critical to your body health. Keep your smile in great shape and kick these habits to the curb. Contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team for help with your smile.

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