Monday, August 24, 2020

Your Smile Matters!


Your smile matters, and your smile must be as healthy as possible right now. If you have dental decay, periodontal disease, or another problem with your teeth that is impacting you, it could be impacting your overall health as well. By visiting the dental office you can consult with Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. Here are 3 cosmetic dental procedures that might improve the health of your smile.

  1. Composite Dental Bonding. This is one of the easiest and most efficient procedures to improve your smile if you have a crack in your tooth that is minor.


  1. Dental veneers. There is a layer of material that is placed over the existing tooth. This helps to improve the look of your smile but doesn’t damage the structure or integrity of your smile in any way.

  1. Dentures. These are not your grandma or grandpa’s dentures. You no longer have to worry about dentures falling out in the mash potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner, or worry about finding your teeth in the morning before you get out of bed. There are now options to get your smile back in order and get you back to where you want to be.

Your smile is the backbone of your health. Don’t take chances. For more information on other cosmetic dental health procedures, contact our team today!

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