Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 Dental Habits That Improves The Health of Your Smile

The habits you have impact your smile. You might have lots of healthy habits that you do for your body, but did you know that you need to have healthy habits for your teeth to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Here are 5 practices that can keep your healthy smile:


Brush 2x a day with ADA seal toothpaste. There are so many choices of toothpaste that it can be overwhelming to shop for the right kind. You want one that the American Dental Association approves. 

Floss 2x a day. Flossing helps to remove the food from the teeth. Be sure to floss your teeth to keep your gums healthy. 

Eat healthy food. The food you consume matters. The higher the level of water consumption in the food, the less likely it is that the food will stick to the surface of your teeth. 

Visit the dentist and your periodontist. You want to have an exam and regularly clean to ensure you don't have a problem brewing that goes unchecked. 

Don't neglect your tongue. Your tongue has bacteria on it that needs to be brushed away. Brush 2x a day and keep your smile healthy.    


The health of your smile matters. For more information on the impact of sugar on your smile or schedule a dentist appointment.

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