Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Occlusal Problems & How They Impact Your Perfect Smile

Extensive dental work can cost thousands of dollars and many hours of time. No one wants to spend so much money to fix a problem with their smile to only turn around and have the work damaged due to an occlusal or bite problem. If you find you have cracked, chipped or constantly worn teeth you may want to visit your prosthodontist today.

There are several options available to you depending on the root of the problem. Waiting is unfortunately not one of them. If your bite is just slightly off then Dr. Strutz can usually do a quick adjustment on the surface of the teeth to adjust the bite.

But what if the damage is more extensive? The chewing action of the jaw is designed to work when you have all of your teeth in place. Missing or cracked teeth can cause a problem for your jaw, not allowing it to do its job correctly. Replacing missing teeth may help with some of the pain you are experiencing.  Missing teeth can be replaced using a bridge, implant or some sort of removable appliance or denture depending on how many teeth you are missing and the health of your gums.

If your jaw is tight and achy, and your bite is fine along with no missing teeth, you may need to look more internally at the amount of stress you are experiencing. Stress can cause jaw pain that is misinterpreted as a more serious problem. Find relaxing activities or meditate if this is the problem.

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