Monday, October 29, 2018

Don’t Wait!

Tongue and lip tie problems could be impacting your student and now is the time to get it checked out. So what are the signs? Tongues that are not released often result in children with orthodontic needs. Also, many times the effect of having a tongue tie shows up in posture and the relationship of jaw. These possible signs could mean a tongue tie is impacting them.

Students who are learning to read and talk need to be able to move their tongue in the proper position in order to be able to say certain words and to pronounce certain sounds. When the tongue tie is tight, it inhibits them from being able to pronounce the words they need to in order to do the job they need to do. This can lead to read difficulties and other speech concerns as they get older. If left untreated, students who struggle to read are more likely to have behavioral challenges in school as well.

The technology today for these procedures is far more advanced then it was a few years ago.
So, don’t waste time, get your child’s tongue tie checked and help them get back on track with their education. For more information or to schedule your consultation, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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