Wednesday, October 2, 2019

6 Ways to Improve Your Smile Today!

Your smile is a secret weapon you can share with the world and that can help you achieve your goals. People who smile more tend to be less stressed, but if you are hiding your smile because you have cracked, broken or stained teeth, now is the time to take the leap to improve your smile. Here are six ways you can improve your smile today.

1.     Veneers. Veneers can cover up existing problems with the shape or color of your teeth. 

2.     Implants. Do you have missing teeth? The implants today are not the implants from the past. There are many more options for both the implant themselves and also what can be done with them, opening up more opportunities for significant change. Implants placed in your jaw can keep bone levels stable, dentures in place or restore a single missing tooth.
3.     Periodontal care. It is critical to ensure your gums are healthy to avoid future problems with losing teeth. It is NOT normal to have bleeding when brushing or flossing, but instead this is an initial warning sign of something serious going on.

4.     Brushing and flossing. While brushing and flossing is not going to immediately fix major dental problems, it will help keep your smile healthy especially after you have had dental procedures done.

Get more dental help from Dr. Judy Strutz and her team!

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