Sunday, January 10, 2021

Don't Give Up!

We know a lot is going on right now, but don't give up on your smile's health. You deserve to have a healthy and beautiful smile that you can show off to the world. You do not want to have a problem that festers and then becomes a bigger problem. 

Dr. Judy Strutz and her team recommend these 4 steps to keep the health of your smile at the forefront of your mind. 

  1. Schedule a dental appointment and stick to it. It can be easy to want to re-schedule or to change it. However, Dr. Strutz encourages people to keep their dental appointment and ensure they have a healthy smile. 
  2. Eat healthy foods. While there may be days that you enjoy something that is not as healthy, taking small successful steps can help your smile. Fruits, vegetables, and foods with fewer carbohydrates do not stick to your teeth and gums the way high carbohydrate foods do. 
  3. Brush Your Teeth. Brushing is the one way you can remove food from your teeth. The longer that food is on the surface of your smile, the more at risk you are for more dental problems.

Your smile is so critically important not only for your health and your self-esteem. Have the best smile you can. 

For more information on dental cosmetic options, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

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