Monday, January 25, 2021

5 Things You Can Do To Cut Sugar From Your Diet

The impact that sugar has on your body and your smile can impact you for a lifetime. However, here are some strategies that you can use to decrease the amount of sugar you consume and keep your smile healthy. 

  1. Drink water. When you have a craving for something, sweet drink water to decrease the craving. 
  2. Eat food with natural sugar such as fruits, and brush your teeth after. 
  3. Avoid drinks that are high in sugar. If you don't enjoy the flavor of water, you can put some mint in there to add flavor or consume sparkling water. 
  4. Avoid desserts that are high in sugar. There are other foods that you can consume that are healthy that can replace high sugar desserts. Consuming fruit or nuts can serve as a treat while keeping your smile healthy. 
  5. Look at the sugar content in your foods. There are low sugar options that you can consume—looking at the labels before eating them which can allow you to find a low sugar alternative. 

Your health is critical, and the health of your smile matters. By taking these 5 steps, you can keep your smile healthier for longer. For more information contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

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