Friday, December 31, 2021

Does Halitosis Impact You?

Do you experience bad breath even though you brush and floss? It is reported that 1 in 4 people say having bad breath. While the reasons can be vast, it may not just be the food you consume. There can be an underlined cause that is creating a problem for you. A person with bad breath might have internal or external causes. No matter the reason, you should have an opportunity to fix the problem.

However, some causes might cause Halitosis; bacteria in the Mouth is one. The teeth have deep pockets, and sometimes food can get stuck, causing bacteria and other problems to arise. A dental check-up by Dr. Strutz and her team can help determine a plan if this is the problem you have. Dry Mouth is a second problem that you may be facing. This is very common and can occur for various reasons. If you don't have enough saliva or are dehydrated, it can impact your overall dental health.  

You deserve to have a vibrant, beautiful, healthy smile no matter the problem.  For more information contact, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. 

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