Friday, June 17, 2016

7 Reasons Why You Deserve A Beautiful Smile

Your smile is the first thing you can share across a room to a person you want to connect with. Your smile can change the world for your daughter who is having a bad day or uplift a stranger who you meet on the street. Your smile is the catalyst to taking a stressful situation and turning it into a positive one. Dr. Judy Strutz and her team want to make sure you have the beautiful smile you deserve.  Here are 7 reasons you deserve a beautiful smile.

1.     Smiling reduces stress by releasing serotine levels that help to keep you happy.
2.     Smiling reduces blood pressure and helps keep your stress levels down.
3.     99.7% of people report that a smile is the most attractive asset in another person.
4.     It can help you connect with other people and improve your relationships.
5.     A beautiful smile can improve your chances of getting the career opportunity you want.
6.     A smile that is beautiful and healthy can improve your self-confidence to help you live the life you want.
7.     Smiling helps to improve a negative situation and have an outcome everyone can live with.

For more opportunities and information on how to restore your smile to a beautiful, healthy state contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

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