Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Protect Your Veneers

You have waited a long time to get the smile of your dreams. You have taken the time to get your veneers replaced and show off your new smile in your selfie photo and when you are laughing with friends. But now what? You want to take care of them, because just like your natural teeth, damage can occur. Here are 3 ways you can protect your veneers so that your smile stays the way you want it for years.

1.     Brush your teeth regularly. Just like your natural teeth which are still under the veneers, it is critical to brush them in order to keep your teeth healthy. You do want to use a non-abrasive toothpaste to protect the surface though.
2.     Floss 1 -2x a day. Yep, the requirement of flossing has not gone away with the improvement of your smile. It is still an essential task.
3.     Avoid cutting into hard food at the front of your mouth and instead cut the food into pieces. For example, instead of biting an apple, steak or hard candy, cut the food into bite-sized pieces and chew with your back teeth instead. This will help keep your veneers on and in place.

For more information on other cosmetic procedures that can improve the health of your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today!

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