Wednesday, February 7, 2018

You’ve Had Oral Cancer. Now What?

The unfortunate part about cancer is that the impact of it often lasts long after you have fought the battle and won the disease. While you may now be cancer-free, your mouth, jaw and neck may seem to be a part of your body that you no longer recognize or that you fight to cover up when you leave home. This doesn’t need to be the case. You have options. Dr. Judy Strutz and her team have worked together in order to train and expand their skills to help individuals who have been impacted by oral cancer and trauma.

The treatment options vary depending on the severity and the degree of the impact, but it starts with calling her office and setting up a consultation. Once this has happened, she can look at the direct impact that cancer had on your jaw, teeth, smile or other facial areas and determine the best way to provide support to you.

This treatment plan may be a few visits or it may be several, but the important point is that you will be on your way to getting your life back to where you want it. For more information on oral cancer prosthodontics contact, Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

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