Saturday, April 25, 2020

How Do You Establish A Routine?

When you have time and there is not many structured activities embedded in your day it can be easy to lose track of time. It is easy to get out of your healthy habits and begin to lose yourself in the process of the pandemic. However, these 4 steps can help keep you on track. 

  1. When you wake up in the morning, stick to what you would do if you were still going to work. Start by brushing, flossing and taking care of your smile. This will help set your day. 
  2. Drink a glass of water. Water helps to rinse any food off of your teeth that may have been missed when you were brushing. It also helps to wake you up in the morning. 
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast that includes fruits and vegetables. Not only are fruits and vegetables great for your overall health. They are essential for the health of your smile. 
  4. Get some exercise. Even if it is taking a walk around the block or a short yoga session. Anything can help to keep your body on track. When you feel healthy, it is easier to ensure that you reach your goals. 
While this is a unique time in history it does not mean your health needs to suffer. If you have further questions about staying healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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