Saturday, July 11, 2015

3 Things You Should Know About Veneers

 It can be difficult to smile for those selfies when you are not fully comfortable with your smile. Cosmetic Prosthodontist Dr. Judy Strutz recommends, veneers to her patients when they have multiple teeth that are cracked, decayed or misshapen due to a lifetime of habits. Veneers can help restore your smile to its full function. They help cover the front of your original teeth and act and feel like real teeth. 

Veneers are a great option for those who are unhappy with the color or shape of their teeth. Not everyone is a candidate for whitening and if you are one who has resistant stains, veneers might be the option that is perfect for you. Others choose veneers due to the fact that teeth are oddly shaped. Evening out a smile with veneers can quickly improve a less than perfect smile. 

Veneers can help make you look younger, as they have the ability to make your smile wider, and/or accentuate your cheekbones. Done well, veneers can last anywhere from 7-10 years, brightening and showcasing your smile. 

 If you are someone, or if you know someone who struggles with their smile, let them know there are options & contact Dr. Strutz & her team today.  

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