Sunday, October 30, 2016

Dental Devices for Sleep Apnea is Not Just a Phase

You may think that a dental device for sleep apnea is the latest gimmick and that it couldn’t possibly work for you. You may even have spent years battling the impact of sleep apnea. If you have lost relationships, had trouble at work, feel tired all the time, and life seems to be slipping between your fingers, don’t wait one more day for a solution. Now is the time to get your life back in order. A dental device by Dr. Strutz and her team can be just the thing you need in order to get your sleep on track.

Sleep apnea does not just impact your ability to sleep, it can cause your body to struggle to lose weight, and you may feel groggy and under motivated throughout the day. Don’t keep telling yourself that a dental device could not possibly solve the severe sleep apnea that is taking minutes of your life away from you without getting an airway exam to determine if you might just be an excellent candidate. Oral sleep apnea devices fit comfortably in your mouth. They do not require electricity, nor do they keep your partner up at night. They are unique and fit comfortably in your mouth to open up your throat while you sleep.

For more information on how a dental device may be able to help you, schedule your consultation with Dr. Strutz and her team today!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Fixing Broken Or Cracked Teeth

Your smile is so important as it is the first thing that most people look at when they first meet you. Taking care of your smile can mean the difference between making a new friend, getting the job you want, or enjoying the holiday party with people you do not know well. Research shows that individuals with a healthy, white smile have more self-confidence than individuals who struggle with dental problems such as decay, periodontal disease, broken or cracked teeth. Here are 4 suggestions that Dr. Strutz as for individuals who have cracked or broken teeth.

1.     Schedule a consultation in order to determine if a crown is right for you. A crown fits over the remaining portion of your existing tooth, protecting it from breaking further.
2.     Veneers are sometimes an option depending on how many teeth are impacted and how significant the cracking or chipping.
3.     Dental bonding. A material that matches your current tooth color is applied to the cracked or broken tooth and can restore it to its  natural look.
4.     A dental implant. This may be an option if the tooth is cracked below the gum line and other restorative options are no longer possible.

Four different ways you can improve the health of your smile. For more information, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Do Not Be Late For Work One More Day-Take Control Of Your Sleep Apnea

No one likes being chronically tired. The short term impact of a lack of quality sleep contributes to being overwhelmed at work, short with customers, friends and family. You may even retreat back to your house after work instead of enjoying time out with friends. Do you wake up feeling like a zombie and as if you did not get enough sleep? Are you running late for work because you are too tired and keep hitting snooze? Do you snore, wake up frequently or your partner has to wake you up to jump start your breathing? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions you may have sleep apnea.

There is no reason to waste time feeling tired and being overly frustrated a dental device from Dr. Strutz and her team can give you your life back and put you back in the driver’s seat. The dental device fits in your mouth and is custom made just for you. It helps to open up your jaw to prohibit your throat from closing. Once you are getting the sleep you need, you may find the results are long lasting. There is a disclaimer though, you may find yourself smiling, enjoying activities you did not once enjoy. You may even find that you say yes to staying up later and watching a movie with your loved one. Make sure to ask Dr. Strutz and her team about the positive side effects of this choice.

For more information on sleep apnea, talk to Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Restore Your Smile and Improve Your Life

Our smile is the link to our overall heath. When we have decay, periodontal disease, missing, broken and cracked teeth, it not only can impact your overall self-confidence but it can change your overall heath. Dr. Strutz and her team recommend scheduling a consultation in order to determine which restorative procedures can help get your smile and your health back where you want it.

The body-mouth connection is a powerful one that can keep you from living the life you wish to have. Research has shown that patients who have periodontal disease are 40% more likely to have heart disease as well. Our immune systems are designed to fight infection. The immune system does not ignore infection just because it is in your mouth or impacting your gums. As you continue to have an infection, your body's immune system continues to attempt to fight off the infection.

Infection in the body tends to weaken the body's ability to control blood sugar. As the infection continues to be a problem it can lead to other significant problems including heart disease, diabetes and more severe problems with your teeth. By visiting Dr. Judy Strutz and her team, you can stop decay and other problems in its tracks. A consultation can determine the primary problem and begin to help you turn decay, broken or cracked teeth into a healthy smile which in turn gives you the healthy lifestyle you want.

For more information on restoring your smile, contact Dr. Strutz and her team today.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

3 Reasons You May Need An Inlay Restoration

Inlays provide a patient with a restored and cosmetically beautiful smile. Inlays can be utilized to save a tooth instead of using a crown or having to utilize silver or composite filling materials. Inlays are one of the strongest restorations your dentist can provide, but this doesn’t mean that in the future may not require replacement, but when taken care of, inlays can last a long time and give you the beautiful smile you are looking for. Here are 5 reasons you may want to consider an inlay restoration.
Broken or fractured teeth. If you have been in an accident which left your teeth cracked or broken an inlay may be able to restore the function of the tooth. This can help to give you back your ability to eat foods you enjoy and not be concerned about smiling for the next family photo. Decayed teeth can leave you feeling self-conscious when you meet people for the first time. Decay can be caused, but things such as the types of foods you consume, not brushing and flossing or not being able to visit the dentist regularly. No matter the reason, you should not have to wait years to have the smile you deserve. Inlays provide you with a healthy looking smile.
Fractured fillings can cause pain or sensitivity when consuming the foods you love. By having an inlay placed on the tooth it can restore your tooth to normal function. This allows you to go back to eating the foods you love without wincing in pain.

For more information on Inlay restorations or other cosmetic dental procedures that can improve the look and health of your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strtuz and her team today.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Don’t Forget The Lip Tie Exercises

It is not enough to have a maxillary lip or tongue tie procedure without getting the important after care instructions. Without the proper stretching after your baby has had their procedure you run the risk that the lip or tongue tie will not heal properly causing you to continue to have problems with nursing. While the procedure usually improves nursing immediately, it does mean that there is still work to be done. Following the after-care instructions will also help with faster healing. Two raw surfaces in your baby’s mouth can cause the wound to reattach.
            Depending on the type of procedure your baby had done will depend on the type of stretches that are recommended. If your baby is impacted by a tongue tie, you will want to begin by doing one set of stretches the evening of the surgery. Then the next day you will want to do up to 6x a day and continue this for the first three weeks and then back off from there. These stretches can be painful for your little one and a little bit of bleeding is not uncommon.
            During the exercises for a tongue tie it is important to keep in mind that you will need to do three different stretches and you want to make sure that you keep the diamond in mind. By massaging on the sides of the diamond and unfolding the diamond so that it is almost flat you will minimize the risk of the tongue tie reattaching.

For questions on lip or tongue tie laser procedures, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Should Your Dentist Do A Lip And Tongue Tie Release On The Same Day?

If your baby is impacted by a lip or tongue tie it can negatively impact their ability to latch on and breastfeed successfully. This can cause sleepless nights, dehydration and a fussy baby. While you may be thinking that the problem is you, it may not be. Lip and tongue tie inhibits your baby from being able to place their tongue in the correct position. Laser lip and tongue-tie procedures can be done to release the ties and allow your baby free movements with their tongue. But what happens when your baby has both? Should you have laser procedures done on both in the same day?

Some dentists may have the procedure done to release one and then wait for it to heal and then complete the other procedure. Depending on how bad the lip or tongue tie is, this may be okay. But if you are looking to successfully breastfeed this can delay the healing process and cause further problems. Some babies may be impacted by nipple confusion or begin to see nursing as a sign of pain instead of comfort. The sooner you have the procedures completed, the sooner you and your baby will be on your way to achieving breastfeeding success.

For more information on breastfeeding and Lip and Tongue Tie contact Dr. Strutz and her team.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

4 Signs of Sleep Apnea

While you may have heard many of the common symptoms of sleep apnea, such as feeling tired, snoring and falling asleep during the day even after you have a full night’s sleep. Here are 5 signs of sleep apnea you may not have heard about. While the only way you can officially be diagnosed with sleep apnea is to have a sleep study done – either at a sleep clinic or using a home sleep device. Here are 4 other signs you may have sleep apnea that you have not heard of before.

1.     Gasping or choking during the night. You may not know you are gasping for air unless your significant other wakes you up and tells you. But when you quit breathing due to your airway being blocked, your body will begin to gasp for the air it needs.
2.     Morning Headaches. While you may not have someone that wakes you up when you are gasping for air, if you wake up often with a morning headache, this can be a sign you are not getting enough oxygen throughout the night.
3.     Dry Mouth. When you struggle with sleep apnea, you usually breathe with your mouth open, causing dry mouth in the morning.
4.     Gummy feeling on your teeth from sleeping with your mouth open.

For more information on sleep apnea and treatment, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.