Saturday, July 1, 2017

It’s Getting Hot Out There, So Don’t Forget The Water!

As the temperatures continue to rise, it is critical that you are drinking enough water in order for your body and your mouth to stay hydrated. Once you begin to feel a dry mouth it is too late. You are already dehydrated and in need of even more fluids. So, how can you ensure that your mouth and your body is getting enough water this summer? Follow these simple 3 steps and you’ll be well on your way to ensuring that your smile is not impacted by dry mouth and dehydration.

1.     Always carry a water bottle with you. Having a water bottle in your purse ensures that you are remembering to fill it up when you are out and about and doesn’t require you to purchase water.
2.     Eat fruit for meals and in between meals. The water concentration in fresh fruits helps to provide the water content in between drinking water.
3.     Utilize fresh fruits and vegetables in your water to add flavor. Drinking plain water can be boring and can be a problem when it comes to motivating yourself to drink more water. By putting some fruits and vegetables in there, it can keep you excited about drinking water for days.

For more information on the importance of water for your smile, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team today.

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