Thursday, December 5, 2019

Don’t Keep Quiet!

There are times when sharing your deepest darkest secrets is not in your best interest. Sometimes you need to hide behind something and not share it with everyone. Your dental history, pain, and dental goals are not something you should hide. It is something you need to share with your dentist to ensure that you have the best support that you need. You cannot get help if you are not being honest with your dental team.

Sometimes we feel shame about the decisions we have made. You might even guilty we don’t floss or brush enough. Maybe, you didn’t take care of your smile and that is why you are feeling like there is a problem. Nothing can be done if you don’t give yourself an honest chance to succeed. You run the risk of causing a larger problem to your smile. Sometimes the decisions that can be made to change or fix your smile is done sooner rather than later. It gives you and your dental team more options to ensure you have the beautiful and healthy smile you deserve.

For more information on keeping your smile healthy, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team!

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