Thursday, March 25, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Know Your Why & Create A Habit!


Last week, we focused on a few things you could change to reduce the number of carbohydrates you drink. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 8th and final part of this series. We have discussed everything from brushing to decreasing soda and increasing vegetables, fruit, and healthy flossing habits. In our final week together, we are going to focus on the overall picture of why? And how you can create habits that last a lifetime. 


While our series provided you with three or four steps you could change to improve your habits, you might still be struggling with one or two. That is okay. Growing is hard work, changing habits is even more difficult. This final week, we will focus on what you can do to change your dental practices. 


  1. Know your why and write it down. Your why is the backbone for what you do. When you have a clear why, it can help you stay in the game when things are difficult, BUt don't just know it, write it down, take pictures that remind you of your why and post them around you, add messages of your why on your mirror, your TV or other places that you look. 
  2. Start small and work your way up. Like any habit, it takes time to build. You do not need to implement every habit we talked about in a week. Give yourself time to adjust and implement. 
  3. Become what you are trying to achieve and develop an identity around it. For example, you are a person with a boss smile that gets the job done. Or you are a healthy person with healthy gums. When we own who we are, we develop habits that reinforce that. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutz


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