Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; You're On A Roll!

Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to eat more fruits to improve your happiness and dental health. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 5th part, and today we are blogging about Vegetables. Now you may be asking yourself, what do vegetables have to do with your teeth?


Well, like fruit, vegetables add extra water to your diet and are excellent sources of a variety of vitamins. Carrots, cucumbers, and leafy greens pack a powerful punch for your smile. In adding vegetables into your diet, our first piece of advice is the same as fruit, 

  1. Be realistic. If eating a carrot a day makes you want to throw up, avoid it. But find a vegetable you are willing to eat and enjoy it. 
  2. Avoid adding extras. While cheese and other ingredients are enjoyable, the more natural you are with the vegetable, the better. 
  3. Start small. If you don't eat vegetables at all, you might be setting yourself up for failure if you decide to eat 8 in a day. However, adding just one serving can be beneficial, and you can build from there. 
  4. Share with friends through social media. It might seem silly; we are more likely to implement a habit when we share our goals with friends. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutzYou can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 


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