Thursday, March 18, 2021

Knowledge Isn't Enough; Let Go Of The Soda!


Last week, we focused on a few things you could do to eat more vegetables to improve your happiness and dental health. Welcome to our 8 part series on Knowledge isn't enough. This is our 6th part, and today we are blogging about soda. 


Soda is a habit that can not only destroy your overall health but can wreak havoc on your smile. Soda not only can cause a problem for your overall dental health because of the sugar, but it can also stain your teeth, reducing the healthy look. Here are 3 ways to reduce your soda consumption. 

  1. Reduce gradually. If you consume large amounts of soda, reduce the dose gradually. Take it slow. Maybe cut it down by one and then slowly step down from there. 
  2. Replace with water or other non-sugar drink. Your body needs fluid to live. So, consider healthier alternatives. 
  3. Make it challenging to get ahold of. For some of the other series, we talked about making it more comfortable; with this one, make it harder. Buy only one can and have it in your fridge, or a two-liter instead of a 12 pack. Place them in a cupboard instead of the fridge, so they are out of sight. Little habit changes can make a big difference. 


Your smile matters; if you have photos of your smile that you love and want to share, please reach out to us on Facebook. Or any of our other social media sites. #drjudystarutzYou can read our other blogs for this series by clicking on the links below. 

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