Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trauma To Your Mouth Doesn’t Have To Be The End

4 Cosmetic Restorations That Can Restore Your Smile

A car or ice hockey accident doesn’t change the fact that restoring your smile is a top priority for Dr. Judy Strutz and her team. Major accidents to the body and mouth can leave you feeling devastated with a constant reminder of what you have experienced. You do not have to live with the injuries for one more day because you have options. 

Dental implants can be a fantastic solution to fixing your smile if you have several missing teeth. Dental implants can be implanted into the jawbone to restore normal function of your smile. They act and look like your natural teeth. By having implants placed, you’ll help restore the sagging facial look of missing teeth. 

A crown can be placed over a broken tooth. They are very stable and easily restore the beauty of your smile. A crown is usually constructed of porcelain, and best of all, a crown will allow you to eat foods you ate prior to any damage. 

Veneers can be placed over teeth if they are chipped or minimally broken. Veneers are attached to your existing front teeth and look as natural as the smile you had prior. When you have veneers, you’ll need to brush and floss regularly. 

 If you have multiple teeth that are missing, another alternative option is a bridge. Bridges need to be attached to other teeth in order to stabilize them. They can be porcelain or ceramic and are created based on what is best for your smile. A bridge can last a long time when it is taken care of. 

You deserve a youthful smile that lasts, take time to get your smile restored and start living the life you deserve.  

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