Monday, November 6, 2017

It’s Not Just A Cosmetic Procedure, It’s A Life Altering Change!

You may have believed in the past that getting a cosmetic dental procedure was not necessary because it was perhaps not covered by your dental insurance. Maybe, you didn’t want to spend the money on your smile taking away from other things you need to purchase, but did you know, that a cosmetic dental procedure can improve your self-confidence which can increase the opportunities that are coming your way? Not only that, but many insurance companies are recognizing the benefits of cosmetic dentistry and changing their policies to reflect that.

Having a dental cosmetic procedure can mean the difference between improving your life for the better and not feeling well. Decay, periodontal disease, missing or cracked teeth can all lead not only to extreme self-confidence issues, but can decrease your health.

 If you have missing or cracked teeth there may be healthy foods you are not able to enjoy because biting down on them hurts or causes extreme pain. Soon you notice you begin to avoid them. Most individuals who have one missing tooth soon after lose more. After a few teeth are missing, the mouth begins to fold forward and the jaw does not get the right pressure it needs to keep it working properly.

For more information on cosmetic dental procedures that can improve your life, contact Dr. Judy Strutz and her team.

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